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Upcoming Release!
Happy New Year, beloved friends and family!
I am holding the vision that this will be an incredibly exciting and abundant year for all of us.
You have everything that you need to make your desires a reality; including the tools and wisdom to turn any unfavorable experience into the best thing that ever happened to you. Our realities respond to the quality of our words, thoughts, beliefs and actions. The more we vibe high and choose love and kindness with each other, the more enjoyable our inner and outer realities will be. 2024 is our greatest year yet.
I’m pleased to announce the upcoming release for my track “Song of the Soul,” (click on the preview above to listen) which is inspired by my love for our indigenous #Assyrian music. You remember the ancient Assyrians and Babylonians you may have read about in middle school? Yup, we’re still here and still speak our 4500 year old language. Being a very old group of people and, in modern day, coming from one of first Christian churches in the world, we go by many names including #Chaldean, Assyrian, Suryoye, Syriacs, Siryani and Aramean, but we all speak the same language, dance the same dances, make the same cultural dishes and pray to the same Jesus. We don’t have a country, but are working on unifying as a people and gaining global awareness so that maybe that vision can also materialize.
This track is a deep tribute to the beautiful expression that is called Raweh, the Song of the Soul, honoring the generations of #ancestors who sung in this manner and sharing our #indigenous existence with the world.
Raweh is a rare form of chanting and storytelling sung in northern Assyria (Modern day Iraq, Turkey, Syria and Iran.) You may hear some similarities in other forms of #indigenous chanting, such as the Native Americans. There are stories that there is a connection between the Assyrians and Native Americans such as Chief Joseph and the Nez Perce tribe when they discovered an Assyrian cuneiform tablet in their family relics.
I would love to hear how you connect with this track and if you’ve ever heard of the Assyrian/Chaldean people.
Thank you for your overflowing love and support in so many ways over the years.
You are a constant reminder of how wonderful this world is and how blessed I am to be connected with all of you.
Peace and blessings